Currently showing Feel Good.'s latest submissions

Regular/painted items

Page: 1 | 10 results found

# Date Item Map
1 12 Jan '13 Cut Throat Concierge cp_coldfront
12 Jan '13 Cut Throat Concierge cp_coldfront
12 Jan '13 Cool Breeze koth_viaduct
12 Jan '13 Cool Breeze koth_viaduct
5 12 Jan '13 Fancy Dress Uniform cp_junction_final
12 Jan '13 Pocket Medic cp_junction_final
12 Jan '13 Pocket Medic cp_junction_final
12 Jan '13 Essential Accessories cp_junction_final
23 May '11 Alien Swarm Parasite cp_badlands
10 23 May '11 Flipped Trilby cp_badlands

Unusual items

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# Date Item Map

Tagged items

Page: 1 | 7 results found

# Date   Q Original item Name and description
1 12 Jan '13   Flipped Trilby "Feel Good"
"Windmill , windmill for the land Turn forever hand in hand"
12 Jan '13   Scattergun "Clint Eastwood"
"I've got sunshine in a bag!"
12 Jan '13   Rocket Launcher "Feelin' Good."
12 Jan '13   Fists of Steel -
"When "Balls of Steel" are just not enough."
5 12 Jan '13   Pistol "Dirty Harry"
"I need a gun to keep myself from harm"
12 Jan '13   Shotgun "Stylo"
12 Jan '13   Gunboats "Lead NIKE shoes."

Strange items

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# Date Original item Stats Name and description