Currently showing Nillor's latest submissions

Regular/painted items

Page: 1 | 1 results found

# Date Item Map
1 28 Oct '12 Zipperface koth_coaltown_event

Unusual items

Page: 0 results found

# Date Item Map

Tagged items

Page: 1 | 6 results found

# Date   Q Original item Name and description
1 22 Jan '12   Summer Shades "Rad reflectors"
22 Jan '12   Natascha -
22 Jan '12   Shortstop "Dick blaster 3000"
"For 100% penis shrinkage"
22 Jan '12   Milkman "The milked mann"
"And i didn't wash my hands"
5 22 Jan '12   Holy Mackerel "Mr. Wiggles"
"Aeroplane of the sea"
22 Jan '12   Mad Milk "Mann juice"
"Not all this is mine!"

Strange items

Page: 1 | 1 results found

# Date Original item Stats Name and description
1 22 Jan '12 Shotgun Kills: 595 -